Saturday, April 26, 2008

Critical Illness Insurance. Do you really need it, or is it a waste of time?

Great news! There is now a chance to five d between & 39, you won the lottery before they retired. Get happy? Do you think that c & 39, is only a matter of time before you win? Do you still, it will not happen - but he thinks Got You! Now considers it a contradiction, but this time on bad news. There is a chance of 1 to 5 for the men and a 1 of 6 opportunities for women, a criticism of the long-term illness to prevent them. Sorry - this time & 39, c is true. L & 39; insurance can not change the opportunities, but they can reduce the financial risk from the residue will not be able to work, the long-term illness and are still a family & d 39; host and support. Convention says that everything good family man should & 39 l life insurance. It is easy to understand, it is accepted and your neighbor has too much. But & 39; it is close to his cousin l & 39; serious illness insurance? You have to walk several streets to find somebody a & 39 l & 39; a. Given the expectation & 39; why? Finally, it pays to protect the & 39; flat tax immediately insured a serious disease is diagnosed. The usual reason is its cost. Yes, it is more expensive than the & 39; life insurance, but after all, it is for providers to guarantee a greater risk. They are much more likely to suffer a serious illness who die before your & 39; normal retirement age. Because & 39; medium d & 39, a complaint of 47. So clearly there is still much to the resistance of the public. No longer the risks & quot; or her head in the sand syndrome & quot; are certainly the most important factors. After a lzheimer disease, bacterial meningitis, brain tumours and leukaemia the longest list & 39; other diseases in general under the & 39; serious illness insurance, no questions, we take care to think, many not. Could there another reason? Although & 39 and it was repeated articles from newspapers to people who claim on their policy to serious illness d & 39; have only he is a technically obvious - l & 39; derivation is that the company d & 39; insurance can not be trusted. In fact, the Standard Life & 39; freely admits that about 20% of serious illness claims. The truth is that behind every story of rejection, there is a painful history of illness, hardship and pain - and the potential for copy of the journalist. But the self-confidence, & 39; n is not a proof that the company d & 39; insurance is guilty d & 39; insidious behavior. Yes, the d & 39; insurance make mistakes, but mostly the demand & 39; s was not valid from the beginning. There are two main reasons. All d & 39; first, the police application for a disease that & 39; n is not a serious disease in the documentation. Regrettable, but c & 39, is a fact that if the disease & 39; n is not yet mentioned, it & 39; n is not insured and the policy is not paid . The moral is closely linked to compare the diseases, the insurance d & 39; buy and who has the wider coverage of diseases. If you can not do, sods law . The second important reason for the rejection is not a person all the relevant questions on the application form original. For example, if the applicant not to disclose in response to the company d & 39; questions of insurance that his father died d & 39; a heart attack at 50 years, or that he & amp; 39; Pr fungstermine medical products for headache, then the company d & 39; insurance wrongly d & 39; the risks, he will be invited to. If the Company d & 39; Insurance announced the additional information & 39 d & 39; that they increase the premium to have and asked the applicant to pursue a medical examination, or for the results of tests or even refused to reach. The failure to disclose, the applicant actually received the cover on the false pretexts or at least on false information. This is the second legal. Always the whole truth and the truth about your request form. All remote control of your health must be disclosed. All this underscores the need to & 39, a professional advice. In the case of a serious illness policies and an experienced eye can d & 39; assess the best policy for your situation and handhelds. That does not mean you have to find the next quotations available online - but you come out thoroughly by d & 39; one of their consultants not by phone and then read the list of diseases due when it comes with the post office. Then relax in the knowledge that another important measure to protect your family finances. Lets all hope that you l & 39; one of the majority who are happy, never argue. It is now time to adjust to real life. Michael Challiner has 15 years experience & 39, in the marketing of financial services at senior official level. Michael now works as an editor & 39; ld & 39; Express d & 39; life insurance more information & 39; What is it that the major diseases Insurance.Futher Reading in the event of a serious illness resources d & 39; information

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